Monday, March 29, 2010

Illustration Proposal

1. Describe what kind of visual component you would like to create to accompany your essay
Since I chose to market and brand a product for my Midterm project, I think it would be appropriate to bring the ideas I had for promoting the project to life. I’d like to create a snapshot of the commercial idea’s I had. It could be used as a billboard design as to go along with the commercial. I would probably use the idea of the waterless washer being at one with nature in a forest or woods.

2. What tools/techniques in Illustrator / Photoshop will you be using?
I would be using mainly Photoshop to create my idea, using different filters, color tool, and pen tool, shape tool to create a scene that I think will really sell this product.

3. How to you envision your completed digital illustration?

I envision it looking more realistic than shapely or cartoonish, and hope to come up with some kind of phrase to put on the bottom that will connect with how the washer gets along with the environment. I hope it will look professional and convey my idea to other viewers.

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