Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Digital Nation"

This post is in regards to the "Digital Nation" videos by Frontline that we started watching in class on Monday, Feburary 8th. So far, the videos have really interesting and have kept my attention, which seems to be a big feat according to Frontline.
I found the research at the colleges and institutions to be quite shocking. It was funny to see how the students and others thought how there mulit-tasking and their constant connection to the digital world, was beneficial to getting work done and being efficient. The research however, proved to be the exact opposite. It is almost paradoxical, that with so much technology, and ability to stay connected, we are able to get more done faster than ever before, and yet we end up getting less done with all the distractions. Blackberries and iphones have become nearly embedded and attached to the body, so now even real life interactions are clouded by our technologies.
I'm actually very interested to see more of the "life on the virtual frontier" videos. I hope they do a study on how working without digital distraction would affect efficiency and the brain. I want learn more about why the different parts of the brain are reacting the way they are when people are surfing the web compared to reading a book. I'm very excited to watch the rest of the videos.

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