Monday, February 8, 2010

WEB 2.0

User-generated Content- any kind of media content that is publicly available and created by a user

Long Tail- a retailing concept and strategy that sells large numbers of unique items in small quanties, and are able to make profit from selling small amounts of hard to find items, such as does

Folksonomy- a combination of "folk" and "taxonomy," folksonmy refers to the practice of collaboratively creating tags to annotate and categorize content. Often applies to social softwares.

Syndication- where website material is made available to multiple other sites in order to provide people a summary of the websites activity or recent content changes. This benefits both the websites providing the information and the websites displaying it, for it adds greater depth and immediacy of information, and increases the informations exposure.

Mass Collaboration- when large numbers of people work independently on a single project using the internet. An example of this Wiki technology is Google docs, where multiple people can work on a single document independently. Computer Supported collaboration differs in that it focues on the technology that affects the groups, organizations, and communities.

Mashup- digital media content containing a mix of text, graphics, audio, video and animation all from previously existing sources to create a new piece of work.

Blogs- a type of website maintined by an individual usually with regular entries and commentary. Can be compared to "online diaries" which other people are able to comment on and read.

Wiki- a website that allows easy creation and editing by multiple people

VVideo Sharing- allws indivduals to upload and share videos on the internet for the public. Videos reach a vast audience.

Social Software- a wide range of software systems that allow users to interact and share data, such as myspace, facebook, flickr, and youtube.

Web Application- an application that is accessed through a web browser over a network.

Hosted Service Provider- a business that delivers a combination of IT functions, such as infrastructure, secturity, monitoring, storage, web development, email over the internet. Combines the abilities of an application service provider and internet service provider.

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